91. My pirate name is Mad Jack Rackham. I just found out.
92. I used to be frightened of death, but I'm not anymore. The longer I live and the less chance there is of my dreams coming true, the more I'm looking forward to spending the rest of eternity in heaven. I'm not reckless and suicidal, but I don't worry about my eventual death like I used to.
93. I should like to travel to some foreign places before my flame is extinguished. St. Louis is about the most exotic place I've been. I was there when they were building the dome where the Rams now play. But I would like to experience some different cultures like Japan's and China's and Zimbabwe's and Chile's and Russia's and pretty much any culture different from my own. This will all be a part of that eventual breaking out of my shell thing that I'm slowly experiencing.
94. I can suspend my disbelief of impossible things long enough to search them out with my mind to find out if they really are or can be possible. This aids my super creativity. People think that a lot of Christians are closed minded fools, for some reason. Though believing in God from a worldly standpoint is a fantastical thing. For me, as I've mentioned, it's impossible for God not to exist. But for the sake of it, I tried to imagine this universe without God in control. Utter chaos, folks. Complete and utter chaos. When God destroys the world, and in fact the entire universe, for the final time, it will be quite simple. He will simply put it from His mind. And it will be no more. Right now, I think we're just living in God's dream. He created our spirits and dreamed a place for us to be. When he wakes up, it will all be over, and our spirits will all be living joyously in heaven or in the eternal agony of hell, whichever we chose. For, yes, it is a decision. God gives each of us a chance, and we decide. No one will have an excuse for not believing.
95. I'm still a virgin. I was holding off on that one, hoping I could think of 100 other things, but alas my well has nearly run dry. I'm not ashamed of it, really. It's a blessing not to have that baggage to bring into future relationships. And as a Christian, it helps me keep a clear conscious. But the truth is, there have been times in my life that if I'd had a girlfriend that was willing and able, I probably wouldn't be a virgin right now. I think that's why God made me the way I am. To keep me pure until the time is right. Though I can hardly think of myself as pure. Like all teenage boys and young men, I've lusted in my mind repeatedly. But you can't get a girl pregnant or contract a venereal disease from lust. It's still a sin, but with less physical consequences.
I have a crrrazy desire to travel like everywhere. Since I speak Spanish I would like to go back to Spain. I went to the university there for a little while. I'm going back to Mexico in August and I really want to travel to South America but I need to be richer. Alot richer. I also want to go to Italy when the monkeys are bigger. I have this obsession with seeing Pompeii ever since I took Latin. Re the virgin thing, I have only been one for almost 3 years since my jerky ex husband left me. Not aslong as you. But then I don't know how old u are either. How old are u? Did you already write that somewhere and I missedit?
I've never mentioned my age before. I like to maintain a certain amount of anonymity in the blogosphere. But since it will help people understand how naive I am about life, I'll go ahead and release this info. I've existed on this planet for a quarter of a century. But as far as life experiences go, I'm still a teenager. About 17 or so...
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