86. I want to be famous after I'm dead. I want people to look at what I accomplished while I was alive and say, "Wow! Now that man did some things in his day. And he didn't get paid for any of it and he never complained. Just...wow!" Do these things in secret, and God will reward you openly, especially once you're deceased.
87. I love using my credit card. I don't mean that I go crazy and buy a bunch of stuff I don't need like a lot of people that love credit cards do. Well...I may splurge a little now and then, but I'm good at paying my balance in full each month. I don't like writing checks, and I don't like letting go of the cash I have in my wallet. It's just better to swipe the card. And my debit card never seems to work anywhere. Otherwise, I might use it instead.
88. I don't see why aliens can't exist. So far in my bible reading, I've seen nothing against the existence of aliens. I read somewhere where someone pointed out that it says somewhere that Adam's sin cursed the entire universe or something, and that if there were other intelligent beings elsewhere it wouldn't be fair for them to have to share in Adam's curse. But I'm like I wasn't even born and I have to share in it. So what's the difference. But I did a quick search and I can't find where it says that in the Bible. Of course, then there's the deal with Jesus coming to Earth and soon to return and all that. Are the aliens a part of that, too? All these questions. What if God has a bunch of planets going like Earth all around the universe? What if he's been doing the same thing on these other planets that he's been doing here. It says we are made in God's image. But God doesn't have a physical form, so I take that to mean his spiritual image. No reason weird looking aliens can't have the same spiritual image as us, right? I'm gonna write a short story about this someday. And I'll post it right here on my blog if I'm unsuccessful at getting it published in a real magazine or by a real book publisher (since I have no idea how long the tale might end up being.) I wonder if anyone else has tackled this issue before. That's one thing about writing and being creative. You just never know if somebody else has already used up an idea. And if so, how can you make yours different. Though I think because God made us so radically different from eachother, that even if you told the exact same idea to two people, they'd come up with very different stories. So I try not to worry about that too much when I write. Sometimes I'll think of a different slant on someone else's idea for a story. I really don't like stories just to be about ideas and stuff, though. I like good characters and good narrative more than anything else. I get so bored with the fast paced thrillers with onion skin thin characters.
89. I really don't care what my socks look like. Most of my socks look rather dingy. At one point or another, I've worn all of my socks while working in the garden or at the lake fishing, and they've all been stained time and time again so that they're more of a cream color than bright white. But what does it really matter? Nobody sees my socks. I don't wear shorts in public, and I certainly don't take my shoes off in public. So my socks stay covered up all the time. But even so, it still doesn't embarrass me for people to see my socks. I currently have a package of unopened socks that I've had for a year or so. I don't see the point in opening them until I've worn holes in all the ones I got.
90. I feel sorry for old people sometimes. Where I work, I see lots of old people that can barely get around trying to do their shopping. There just aren't enough electric scooters for all of them. But you tend to forget that they were vibrant once. They had tenacity. They've lived long, full lives and they're fine with this stage of their life. They're near the end. They're almost home. I envy them sometimes, too.
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