Saturday, June 25, 2005

Yay! I did it!

All right, folks. Now that that madness is over with, I can get back to regular posting. I'm gonna go through all 100 of those things about me and edit them and make sure I didn't repeat myself, as I'm sure I did. So eventually I will have a link to a fully completed 100 things about me list just below my profile so people can go to it and view it without having to search through my archives to find all the entries. If you've been reading this list on a daily basis, you might want to go back and look at the expanded entries. I posted a bunch of one liners, but I went back and wrote them in some more detail. I think in the future I might do some 10 or 20 or some number of things about whatever lists. That way I can take some of the more general entries on my 100 things list and really break them down. If you noticed, I cheated on the dates to make it look like I posted five things per day. I was using cheat sheets for this before I realized I could make any post look like it was posted on any day I wanted. Why did I do this? Good question. It's part of my perfectionist personality. Ultimately, does it matter? Of course not. I don't understand half of the things I do anymore. Why do I constantly do things that impair me and keep me from having the things I want most? Maybe I really am crazy. Or maybe I'm just really normal. Or maybe everybody is really crazy, which makes us all normal. Or maybe everybody is really normal, which makes us all seem crazy, which again, in turn, makes us normal and crazy again at the same time. Doesn't that all just sound crazy?

Okay, enough of that madness. I have absolutely got to get back into the swing of my novel. I'm gonna read my bible, try some deep prayer, work in my garden for a little bit, and see what I can do.


Giancarlo said...

god is a part of you?
or you is a part of god(in earth)?

Giancarlo said...

my blog... please im waiting an answer!
= )