Saturday, May 21, 2005

I saw her smile, but it wasn't for me

That's a no go for launch, Houston. But that's cool. I made a promise to myself a long time ago that I would never compromise the truth I felt in my heart to requite my loneliness, yet I've broken that promise time and time again to my own destruction. No point in doing that again. This time, as I should have done those times before, I'll just close my eyes and let God do what He will. It's the only true way to live. And I still haven't fully recovered from the last mess that I made for myself. I apologize if this all sounds cryptic.

Sorry, no poems or song verse today. Too tired.

I wrote about two pages today. Not much, but I took another step. That's what's important. I'm pretty firm on the next couple of scenes, though I've learned that the writing always comes the hardest when I know what I want to write about. My brain is so uber creative that it pouts like a child when I have plans for it. It also gets cranky when it doesn't get enough sleep. Or too much sleep. Anything around 7.5 or 8.5 hours, and I'm cool. Anything below or above that and I can't focus. Too much sleep is worse than too little. I can sleep for 14 hours at a time if nobody bothers me. I'm worthless the rest of the day, however. My favorite part of sleep is the last hour or so when I go in and out of the dream stage and slight consciousness. This is when I really get to feel my body resting. I just love it. Maybe this is what heaven will feel like. This perfect rested feeling. And peace and serenity, of course.

Wow, I got another person to read one of my old stories and they said they liked it. And I think they really did. They didn't just say they liked it so my feelings wouldn't be hurt. They went on to say why they liked it and the particular parts they enjoyed. So that was cool. And today I got into much discussion about Christianity with a co-worker. He says he's a Christian, and I have no right to decide if he is or isn't. But he's got some strange ideas. And he couldn't offer any scripture to back it up because he says he doesn't believe he has to study his bible. You can be saved and go to heaven and enter into God's glory without reading your bible day and night, but it can sure help you get through the rough times we have on this Earth. We didn't get to finish our discussion because a co-manager (one step below the store manager), came barging in telling us how bad the juice was looking on the floor (the sales floor, that is). I only took five minutes of my last 15 minute break to make up for it, so it was all good. I didn't cheat the company or anything. Well, maybe a little. Jesus, forgive me, for I have sinned. In Your precious name, Amen.

The time has come that I should sleep and dream and be refreshed. No writing tomorrow. It's Sunday. I do have to go to work, however. How I wish people wouldn't shop on Sundays. Tomorrow, please don't ask me why I wasn't at Church while you stand there with a shopping cart full of knick-knacks and other nothings. Don't preach in your sermon tomorrow about the importance of being in church and then head out to some restaurant to eat after the amen's and God bless you's have been said and reciprocated. Please don't condemn yourself with your own words.

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