Monday, March 14, 2005


As promised I wrote a nice piece about description and was about to show some examples from the one assignment I had turned into me. I had to go eat supper, so I clicked to save the draft of what I had written, and guess what? Something went wrong and it didn't save it. When I tried to click back, it was gone. It was the sort of thing that makes you want to say unChristianly things. I've run out of energy for today, but I shall take another crack at it tomorrow. I apologize for this. For those few of you anxiously anticipating my views on description shall have to wait a bit longer. And once I get it written, I'll post another assignment. Again, I'm sorry for this inconvenience. From now on I'll write my posts in a word document and paste it over. Word automatically saves my document every so often, so if something goes wrong, I won't lose it all at once.

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