Has it really been over a month since my last post?
Oh my, it has.
Well, I'm still not finished with the first draft of my novel. I was bound and determined to finish it by the end of September, but that's not gonna happen. It just seems when I get bound and determined about something, I tend remain more bound and not get anything done. Well, if you want to know, I've been making slow, but excellent progress on the novel. It's really turning out to be all that I wanted it to be and more. I also wrote a rough draft to a long short story that is currently titled "Two Baby", though I don't know if that will be the title when all is said and done. It's one of those stories that I thought would be about ten or fifteen pages long and turned into fifty plus pages. I even left some things out that will need to be added in. I think novella is a better word for what I wrote. Or novelette. I can't remember the delineations. I hope everyone is still doing okay. Perhaps I'll try to post a little more often. I won't make any promises. I'll definitely let you know the day I finish the rough draft of said novel. Then begins the long and grueling process of research and rewrite. And yes, I will have to do loads and loads of research. I'm one of those people that doesn't like to think that I've gotten any part of it wrong. Opinions are opinions, but the facts must be as accurate as possible. Until then, just keep on doing what you do. Because you do it so well.